It’s All About the Fruity Lips… Lipstick Tips You Must Know


What is the most important part of your face during the makeup procedure? Girls who haven’t guessed the lips, pull yourself together and begin putting stronger accent on them! As to the girls who have thought of the lips, well, you must consider the following tips, because they’ll definitely help you make your look even more amazing! It’s all about the lips… Do not ever forget that and do not hesitate to use the following lipstick tips!

1. Good preliminary care is essential!

No matter how expensive your lipstick is, it will never look awesome on your chapped lips. You should always put some balm on your lips – even when you’re at home or go out with a casual appearance and no makeup. The proper treatment of lips gives them the juicy look you’ve always wanted, so start treating them finely. By the way, ordinary petroleum jelly or a homemade balm with essential oils is always a good idea, too!

2. Know your lips’ line…

Even if you want Angelina Jolie’s lips, deal with your own appearance and start thinking of your own lips, and not on someone else’s. When you start understanding and seeing the natural shape and lines of your lips, you’ll begin treating them finely and choosing the best lipstick techniques ever. Remember – makeup does not turn you into a different person, but only puts an accent – a beautifying one – on your current appearance! Of course, adding some pencil at the edges of your lips will make them much plumper and will highlight the lipstick!


3. The importance of right lipstick application

Do not press too hard with the lipstick, but simply blot. Blur the lipstick by moving your lips and always apply a second layer. This will help the lipstick last longer. Besides, the real color of your lipstick is the one from the second layer, but not from the first one. The lips’ skin absorbs the cream too fast, so some of the lipstick shades will appear with the extra second application.

4. Your lips are part of your face! So is the lipstick!

What we mean is that you need to adjust the nuance of your lipstick to your facial skin, as well as to your eye shade. Some girls, unfortunately, are just not made to wear pink. But do not worry – every woman looks just amazing in a classy red! Also, pale girls should avoid the brown nuances, but rely on the natural ones, as well as on the cherry and peach lipsticks.

5. Shimmer is not for every day…

Seductive lips can be highlighted with a pencil, some powder on the lipstick or a very cool lipstick shade. As to the shimmering, forget about it as a main accent to your lips makeup. It’s OK for nights out, but it’s definitely not the best choice for work!